Manhood and Marriage

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Semen retention : Manhood and Marriage: A Book For The Male Sex (1916) by Bernarr MacFadden

Embark on a transformative journey as we delve into the pages of "Manhood and Marriage," a groundbreaking book authored in 1916 by the distinguished Bernard McFadden. A pioneer in bodybuilding, a millionaire, and a prolific writer of over 100 health and sexuality-related books, McFadden's insights, particularly on semen retention, are more relevant than ever in our modern society.

In an era where masturbation is normalized, and discussions on its treatment or cure are often stigmatized, McFadden's wisdom sheds light on the lesser-explored aspects of this prevalent habit. Join us as we navigate the dark realities of masturbation and explore effective ways to treat this seemingly insidious plague.

McFadden argues that masturbation, also known as self-abuse, is the greatest of all sexual evils, not only due to its widespread practice and the potential for excesses but especially because of the harm it inflicts during the crucial period of growth. In a world where secrecy surrounds discussions on sexual matters, McFadden's timeless perspective on semen retention becomes an urgent need.

The book challenges the normalization of masturbation, revealing its physical, moral, and psychic repercussions. McFadden asserts that the habit is injurious at any age, leading to a drain on the constitution, weakening of nerve centers, and impairing sexual power. While often believed to be more harmful to boys, McFadden argues that the detrimental effects extend to young women, impacting delicate nervous systems.

Through detailed accounts of the harmful results of masturbation, the book emphasizes the two-fold nature of its impact – destructive to the sexual function and debilitating to the overall constitution. The psychological toll is explored, revealing the mental torments and weaknesses that follow excessive indulgence.

The author dispels contemporary misconceptions that downplay the harmful effects of self-abuse. McFadden contends that even in moderation, masturbation is detrimental, akin to alcohol and tobacco use, with subtle, long-term effects that may not be immediately apparent.

"Manhood and Marriage" not only diagnoses the problem but offers a path to recovery. The remedy, according to McFadden, lies in a two-fold approach – physical and mental. The physical aspect involves building bodily vigor through exercises, a non-stimulating diet, and maintaining regular bowel movements. Simultaneously, the mental treatment demands unwavering determination, a busy lifestyle to divert the mind, and a conscious effort to cultivate self-respect and pride.

As readers navigate through the pages, they will encounter practical advice, insights into the psychology of the habit, and strategies for overcoming setbacks. McFadden's guidance extends beyond the physical realm, urging readers to immerse themselves in diverse interests and social activities, minimizing solitary time.

"Manhood and Marriage" is a call to break free from the shackles of a habit that, if left unchecked, can undermine not only physical well-being but also spiritual and moral integrity. While the road to recovery may be gradual, the rewards are profound – a restored sense of pride, enhanced physical strength, and a revitalized mental state.

Embark on this eye-opening journey through time, guided by the wisdom of Bernard McFadden, and discover the keys to reclaiming manhood and fostering healthy, fulfilling marriages in the face of the age-old challenge of masturbation.

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